Today's song is brought to you by Jason Aldean :). This song has made me cry about 100 times in the last 3 years. If you listen to the entire thing you will know why. However, this song also makes me hopeful that someday Dick and I can laugh until we cry about this whole ordeal.
So I did my first injections last night! Let me tell you I was nervous and it took forever. I wasn't nervous about the actual act of giving the shot, but the mixing and measuring was scary. A dumb mistake could cause hundreds of dollars so you have to be careful! The Follistim comes in a vial which you put into the Follistim pen. Not too big of a deal especially now that it is done. I only have to change the vial every few days. The Menopur was kind of a pain. It comes in two vials and you have to mix them and change needles 3 times. Overall, not too bad though and not very painful...yet. By the end of the week I think I will be a professional. The PIO is what scares me. I'll explain that more once I am actually taking it.
My first u/s is going to be this Thursday morning. Until then GROW FOLLIES GROW!
I this whole drawing up stuff comes natural to me being a pharmacy tech we draw up stuff everyday :) I am more nervous about the injection it self! I can draw up all day, but don't actually like poking myself! Lol we would make a good team! I can draw up and you give!! LOL good luck!
That is funny Julie...I think we would make a good team. Its not so much the poking part that hurts, it is the burn after you inject it. Its not really all that bad though.
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