Thursday, February 28, 2013

Medicated CD4 Monitoring

Thank you for today's video Ludacris...LOL

I felt a little road rage in rush hour traffic on the way to my 7:45 appointment this morning.  Maybe some hormones are starting to kick in?  I am already started to feel bloated.  So anyways...the appointment.  It went well.  I think!?  I saw the results online Estradiol 192, Progesterone .45.  I got the results but no feedback??  I have a call and a message into the nurse.  I think they told me no news is good news so I have no choice but to go with that and continue as I have been.

The nurse counted 20 follicles on my L and 22 on my right.  This number will be going down and a certain number will start to grow as others back off.  This is right where I should be.  She told me the Estradiol should be higher than last appointment, but under 500.  Good there.  So I am happy, bloated, but happy.

In other news items, I decided on which job I want!  Now I have to decide which of the 3 compensation programs I want to take.  I don't want to get to specific about this job until I have given formal notice at work.  So hang tight and in a couple weeks I will spill the details.  My next appointment is Sunday morning!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay! Keep up the good work on all fronts Julie :)

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