Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Soon to be a family of four

Here I sit on my deck 37 weeks & 5 days pregnant.  We have been busy, I mean like really busy and there hasn't been much time to sit and relax.  Even when I do have the time I sit on my deck writing a blog rather than just sitting and doing nothing.  I guess I just enjoy being busy.  That will suite me well in the coming weeks when we will become a family of four.

I'm excited but nervous at the same time.  How will we handle two?  Am I ready for the sleep deprivation?  What if baby girl is colicky?  I guess as with all things we will figure it out.  This time around I tested positive for strep b which sucks but I don't think really that big of a deal.  I have pretty much everything as ready to go as I can and now I sit and wait.  Sit and enjoy my little Richie.  I rest up because I know exactly how exhausting it is to have a newborn, breastfeed and now a toddler as well.

So I guess I will take my own advice, step away from the iPhone, close my eyes and relax.

1 comment:

-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

Betch you're happy.
God bless.

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